Our Purpose

The mission of the Susan Lindgren Elementary Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is to fund and organize activities to enrich the education of students and strengthen the school community. We also serve as a place for parents/guardians, students, teachers, and administrators to raise issues, share information, and learn more about topics that support our children’s education. All PTO events are free to attend and are made possible because Susan Lindgren parents find time to volunteer in a variety of ways.



Our school participates in several fundraising programs: SLP Read$, Monthly Parkway Pizza Nights, Adults Night Out Fundraiser and a Silent Auction. Last year Susan Lindgren families raised over $30,000 through these fundraisers. The money raised was used to fund enrichment activities for students including field trips, Family Fun Night, Student Showcase Fair, June Jamboree, yearbooks, online student directory, and so much more! 

The Susan Lindgren Elementary Parent Teacher Organization is a 501(c)(3) registered non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible except for spirit wear purchases (school shirts, hats, etc.). EIN #: 47-1779561


PTO Meetings

All parents, guardians, and teachers are automatically members of the PTO! You are welcome and encouraged to attend any and all of the five PTO meetings. It is a great way to learn more about what is happening in the school community and to connect with other parents.  Meetings are held in the school media center with school news from Principal Pollock, PTO sponsored event updates, and often a guest speaker from the SLP community with a relevant topic. There is free childcare and a pizza dinner for kids provided for all meetings. 


PTO Meetings 2023-24 school year: 
April 16, 2024 Meeting Slides, Meeting Minutes (coming soon) and Treasurer Report


Get Involved & the Volunteer Roster

The PTO is 100% run by parent volunteers!  Parent involvement is essential to creating a vibrant school community and there are so many ways to contribute!  Throughout the year, PTO board members and event volunteers will send out requests for volunteers to help at events, donate food or funds for staff meals, possibly volunteer in the classroom, or even join a committee.  If you are interested in getting involved, contact susanlindgrenpto@gmail.com
The Volunteer Roster (updated on 1/17/24) includes a list of all the current PTO Board members, Classroom Ambassadors, and the volunteer committee members for every PTO event and effort.  Interested in learning more or joining a committee?  Have questions for a board member?  Find their contact information on the Volunteer Roster and reach out! 


PTO Board of Directors

Wondering what the PTO Board members do?  Interested in volunteering for one of these roles?  Read position descriptions for each Board Role HERE and contact susanlindgrenpto@gmail.com with questions or interest!
2023/24 Event Calendar (updated on 1/17/24)


PTO Communications   

Keep in touch and get updates through:


PTO Newsletters: subscribe on our website  for bi-weekly PTO news and updates!


Website: www.susanlindgrenpto.org


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/susanlindgrenpto    


Email: susanlindgrenpto@gmail.com 


Susan Lindgren Communicator: Be on the lookout for PTO info included in this school e-newsletter sent to all parents. 


Questions for us?

Email us at susanlindgrenpto@gmail.com